Homepage Terms & Conditions Privacy Statement


1. This site is operated by Dr D Poller

2. This site does NOT use cookies and it does NOT track and it does NOT store your user identification or any of your personal information.

3. Links

Our site contains links to third party websites that are not subject to this privacy policy. Read our Terms and Conditions for further information on these links. We strongly recommend that you read the privacy policy of any such websites that you visit.

4. Security Policy

We use reasonable precautions to keep the information disclosed to us secure. However, we cannot guarantee the security of the information that you disclose to us. You accept the inherent risks of providing information and dealing on-line and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security unless this is due to our negligence or willful default.

5. Changes

This policy is effective from 13 April 2018  with immediate effect. We may, from time to time make changes to this privacy policy to reflect any changes to our privacy practices in accordance with changes to legislation, best practice or website enhancements. We will let you know what these changes are by posting them to this page, but it is your responsibility as a user to make sure that you are aware of them, by checking for any changes on a regular basis. Changes will become effective as soon as they are posted.

6. General

If you have any requests or queries concerning your personal information or wish to correct or change any information we have about you, please contact us email

30th September, 2022